Candidate Assessment Responses
Progressive Port Phillip is a public campaign for stronger local democracy and a fairer, safer and more sustainable community. Many residents have asked us to provide guidance on candidates.
Over recent weeks all candidates standing in the October 2024 Port Phillip Council election were surveyed.
The first part of the Progressive Port Phillip assessment asked candidates to affirm a broad and principled Progressive Port Phillip policy framework.
Additionally, we asked 3 questions:
- What are your key priorities in the policy framework and why?
- What would you do to advance these priorities?
- What’s the most important attribute you bring that will enable Council to achieve this policy framework?
We also sought information from other sources including VEC statements, election material, TWiSK, candidate websites, affiliations and statements made on Council matters.
The outcome gives us hope that if elected, a number of candidates will support the whole Port Phillip community, work with the community to address climate change threats to homes and businesses, support more social housing and vulnerable renters, keep services in public hands and plan for our young people’s future.
And it indicates that the next Council could work to strengthen our local democracy so that all the people of the community are heard and respected.
If candidates did not affirm the policy framework it indicated that the strength of their commitment to a fairer, safer sustainable community was below expectations.
Advocacy for a rate freeze inevitably means cutting services. We recommend that voters should preference against candidates who have advocated such policies. Our council needs sound financial stewardship, not political stunts. [Read more here]
Below you can see the responses of all the candidates who responded.
Richard Whitfield
I affirm the Progressive Port Phillip Policy Framework.
In particular, if elected, I will first focus on moving Port Phillip closer to being a true 15 minute city where people want to live and play. In this, my first goal is to initiate the development of a comprehensive cycling path masterplan that can be widely publicized and progressively implemented. This plan must consider the surrounding streetscapes and activity centres and tie in with neighbouring Councils. I also plan to focus on strengthening local community involvement by reviewing, strengthening and broadening the system of community based advisory committees that Council uses. Also, by establishing representative community reference groups that consider and advise Council on key longer term issues such as coastal hazard adaptation. Thirdly, I plan to focus on properly managing increases in population density to ensure that they lead to real community improvements. I will do this by maintaining the varied character of our neighbourhoods, improving local housing quality, activating under-utilized spaces and ensuring that developers reasonably contribute to expanding our community infrastructure. This can be achieved by reviewing planning regulations, identifying under-utilized space and negotiating strong “Developer Contributions” if they are developed.
To collaboratively move these initiatives forward, I have a wealth of lived experience in engineering, academia and business and I am deeply engaged in Port Phillip and it is my “forever home”.
David Wright
Fight to protect residents and communities. To support new community housing projects, work to improve street congestion and the living conditions of public housing tenants, and, advocate to reduce rental stress. Support and strengthen services. To continue to protect our services and support other community initiatives such as the Arts, which are under threat. Work with Bay Street businesses and create links to Station Pier & Waterfront. To work with the local community and the Bay St Traders Association to attract new businesses opportunities to Bay Street and create links between the Bay Street precinct and the Station Pier/Waterfront Place precinct. Support local action for climate change. To protect our unique environment by supporting local actions including greener streets and increase EV charging stations. Why These are the issues I have identified from listening to the concerns of the community.
Council needs to gain a better understand of the needs and concerns of the Port Melbourne business and residents. Many issues are related State Government projects (Station Pier) Council needs to work with State Government and advocate for Port Melbourne.
For 30 years I’ve worked in leadership roles in local government and I am committed to ensuring Council has well managed services that empower people to thrive. I bring experience focused on early years, disability, and family services that’s helped to improve quality and support organisational change to meet community needs and expectations. I’ve promoted and marketed services for diverse communities, while monitoring, reviewing, reporting and managing budgets.