Vote Local

Important Election Information​

Voting is compulsory for the October 2024 Council election.

Renters who vote in state and federal elections must vote in the upcoming Council elections.
We can only achieve a progressive Council if you vote.

It is now TOO LATE to enrol or change your electoral enrolment.
Election Rolls closed at 4pm on Wednesday 7 August.

The chances are that you are already on the roll, either at your old address (knock, knock, do you have my voting pack?), or it was changed for you when you notified another state agency (such as VicRoads) of your new address.

You can check that here [Victorian Electoral Commision].

A stronger, fairer community for all

  • Will we elect a responsive, competent and caring council or one that can barely get the garbage collected?
  • Will we vote to rebuild the community services that we all need or to cut rates for the wealthiest property owners?
  • Will we take genuine local action on climate change and the threat of rising sea levels to our properties and businesses or kick the problem down the road?

Read our election policy framework here:
Make a donation here:
Volunteer here:

Cialis Cialis Fiyat
Cialis Fiyat
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